Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A gamer's lament

I was trying to describe the feeling that was missing since i started gaming. You know , the thing that you barely find in today's games. Leigh Alexander gave me the answer.

"It was enough to pique our imaginations—hey, maybe that's it. The imagination. The more "realistic" games have gotten, the more "lifelike" they've strived to be, the less room they leave for our imaginations." Full article here

Read her blog . I know I will.

1 comment:

  1. Wholeheartedly agree. I have been reverting back to games of my childhood lately, there really is nothing like it. Graphics aren't everything.

    Will definitely follow your blog! Just started mine, check it out! Yes I apologize for the shameful self promotion but I am on a quest for like-minded readers :-)

