Saturday, January 22, 2011

Costume Quest + Grubbins of Ice DLC

“You had me at demo” , pretty much describes my view of this game.

Costume Quest is a game in which a group of kids, get together to fight the evil that invades their neighbourhood , during Halloween. Each of them, has a costume , which transforms into a character in their imagination. So all the stuff’s there : Ninjas, Giant Robots, Pirates, Unicorns, you name it … Each of the costume is consistent of parts, which the party has to find, in order to make it.
Did I mention the cosumes had superpowers and abilities? Duh!
The RPG elements are all over the place, leveling up, collecting and trading power-up stamps..
The fights are somewhat lighter version of Heroes of M & M meets Final Fantasy. Also, with quicktime events just to keep your attention. All in all pretty well done, but nothing spectacular.

The storyline is VERY cute, as well as the overall “cartoony “graphics style.
Although this game Is very short, it’s packed with fun. Enjoyment just bursts out of every segment. Making that experience longer, would just generate boredom. It’s perfect weekend game, and I recommend it to everyone.


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